Elon Musk and Elton John are best known for their tagline, “WE BRING THE NOISE”. If you haven’t seen their advertisements on the telly,there’s a good chance you live down under, on the underside of a rock. Now ceramics engineering and electrical engineering will walk hand in hand once again when the new 10-kilowatt THUNDERBOX is unleashed onto markets all over the world.
The THUNDERBOX will be an in-house energy storage system that will – in the words of its makers – “keep you off the grid and ensure zero skid”. It is said that it might save you $1900 (USD) per month if you purchase one right now for the INSANE selling price of $60,000.20. Furthermore, if you order NOW you get a free roll of 3-D printing paper to use the new THUNDERBOX with.
In a new video previewing the THUNDERBOX, Bradsef Mack-daddy-Kay, Head of Engineering at ZEID (Ziplining Engineering Institute of Dermatology) said, “I bought myself one of these so-called THUNDERBOXES and I must say, it runs quietly and works efficiently. My wife loves the THUNDERBOX and even reads a magazine whilst operating it, so I mean…that’s convenience.”
The engineering firm behind the THUNDERBOX has asked artist Elton John if he would consider doing a cover of his hit song Tinderbox and kindly changing the lyrics and its title to THUNDERBOX. Musk said, “The original lyrics say, ‘we were living in a Tinderbox, two sparks would set the whole thing off’ and we really think that if the lyrics were tweaked a little they would be the perfect theme tune for every time you press the metallic handle on our THUNDERBOX. All in the name of feeling great about storing energy into our THUNDERBOX.” They haven’t heard back from Sir Elton John as of yet.
Musk & John & Associates will put the THUNDERBOX on sale as of the 1st of April, 2016. So, that’s today. Critics of the new energy solution claim that they have had thunderboxes in their houses for quite some time and the new solution is nothing new.
Happy April Fools.