on January 14th, 2015

Your Email Address
 Consider it from an employer’s perspective. Ensure it is simple and appears sensible. Choose your provider with care (remember gmail is free) and personalise it conservatively. Rate the following examples: [email protected]  versus,  [email protected]
Your Voicemail Message
Friendly is good, but the message should be brief and effective. (Don’t be tempted to reveal your character here). Make the recording in a quiet environment. Include your name and the intention to return the call. Ask for contact details so that you can do this.
Your References
Select three with care. They should know you well and be in a position to reflect positively on you. The more senior references will hold the most weight. Check that you have accurate contact details for them.
Contact them before your application is submitted and ask their permission. If those providing references are on side and warned in advance, they are more likely to be constructive in their appraisal of you to prospective employers.
Email the job description and your resume to your chosen reference givers (with a friendly cover email). This information will help them better represent you.


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